Southdown Angling Association East Sussex Angling at its best
Southdown Angling Association East Sussex Angling at its best


The Association currently has two still waters available to members. There is no close season and both may be fished all year round.

Curls Farm, Ripe. The Association’s premier still water fishery. Approximately three acres in area, but shallow, being no more than a metre deep. Never the less, it holds a large head of mainly carp, both mirror and common, up to well in excess of 20 pounds. Also present are some good sized roach and rudd, large eels and a few tench.

North Farm Pool, Marle Green. A very picturesque water, much liked by members who enjoy a peaceful session fishing in beautiful surroundings. Again approximately three acres in area and shallow, with a depth of about a metre, it holds a quite a large head of mirror, common and ghost carp to high double figures, skimmer bream, roach, rudd, tench, some nice perch and large eels.

To download a sketch map of the still waters, please click on the tab on the left.

All Association still waters are subject to additional angling regulations as below and some have further restrictions specific to the particular venue.


Vehicles to be parked only in the permitted areas.


No vehicles to be taken beyond permitted parking areas other than those of disabled members having written authority to do so.


Barbless hooks only.


No carp to be retained in keepnets or sacks other than in Association arranged / sanctioned competitions.


Fishing is from designated pegs only and only one swim may be occupied at any one time.


No fishing from any islands.


No reserving of pegs or swims.


No night fishing or camping. Angling limited to one hour before sunrise to one hour after sunset.

15th October 2022

Curl’s Farm Fish Deaths and Temporary Closure

We held a working party on Saturday the 1st October when a large number of dead fish were removed from the water and subsequently buried on site.

It was a very unpleasant, difficult and sad task to undertake.

Thanks are due to the following members and helpers, some supplying equipment, who did a great job in difficult circumstances to support the club.

Peter Gabbitas, Stephen Izzard, Richard Bendall, Keith Lawrence & Dave Farley.

We now need to assess the next steps, beginning with a consultation with the landowners / land agents and possibly a fisheries consultant.

The fishery needs a lot of bankside clearance work and possibly restocking.

These tasks will take some time and it is unlikely that the water will be

re-opened until Summer 2023 at the very earliest.

In the interim, the water will remain closed to all members.

There will be a further update when we have more news.

28th September 2022

Curl’s Farm Fish Deaths and Temporary Closure

We have periodically been monitoring the lake since the fish deaths were first reported, the last visit being on the 22nd September. Thankfully we have had cooler weather with some rain recently, there were no signs of fish “gasping”

at the surface and some signs of fish movement.

There remain a number of dead fish dispersed around the lake that still need

to be removed, so we have a Working Party planned for this coming Saturday

the 1st October, for the morning only, commencing at 8am, to remove the remaining dead fish and have also arranged for a boat and a pit to be dug

in which to bury the dead fish.

Meet up in the car park by the barn and subject to the ground conditions we may then drive down to the lake.

Any members able to help, please come along. Physical lifting will be required

and you should bring and wear appropriate footwear (wellies, waders etc.), waterproof clothing and protective gloves. A sturdy landing net and handle that

you don't mind using would also be useful, so bring this along too.

If you are able to attend, please let us know, preferably by email to:,

so that we have an idea of numbers participating.

The water will still remain closed for the time being, but we would hope to re-open as soon as possible once all the dead fish have been removed

and there are no signs of further problems.

Further updates will be issued in due course. Many thanks in anticipation

12th September 2022

Curls Farm Water Closure

Following the hot and dry weather in July and August with water levels falling, although we have had some most welcome rain, often in the form of thunderstorms, we have now seen quite a number of recent fish deaths at this water, mainly the carp being affected with the surviving fish are also showing signs of distress.

The Environment Agency has been informed and have investigated, suggesting that the fish have succumbed to a sudden crash in the dissolved oxygen levels, caused by a sudden fall in the air pressure associated with the thunderstorms, which can often be quite localised in nature.

We are not alone in this as there has been a number of similar incidents recently.

Unfortunately, there is little that can be done to alleviate the situation, the lake  being too shallow for effective aeration, we just hope that it doesn’t get any worse.

In view of the above, we have decided to temporarily close the water to members with immediate effect.

We will be monitoring the situation and re-open for fishing as soon as

it is safe to do so.

31st August 2022

Marle Green Water Re-opening

It’s now over a month since we closed North Farm Pool at Marle Green to fishing due to an increase in the number of dead carp seen at the fishery. Since then, we have also had a couple of periods of extremely high temperatures and the water level in the lake had dropped significantly. We have been regularly monitoring the situation and liaising with the Environment Agency accordingly.

Thankfully, with cooling temperatures and some most welcome rain, although still not up to the level of the outlet sill, the water level has risen significantly and we have seen very few dead fish in recent weeks.

We therefore feel that it is safe to re-open the venue to SAA members, effective  on the 1st September, but no keepnets or carp sacks are to be used and all landing nets should be thoroughly dried and if possible disinfected, before visiting a different fishery.

Members should also moderate the amount of groundbait, boilies, particles and the like being used until the weather is less hot and water levels are higher as if they are not eaten by the fish, as they decompose, they can have a detrimental effect on dissolved oxygen levels.

16th July 2022

Marle Green Water Closure

We have seen more than normal fish deaths at this venue this spring comprising mainly carp, with very few silver fish being affected. We have checked the dissolved oxygen levels of the water and they appear to be more than adequate for the survival of the fish. If low oxygen was the problem then it would have affected the silver fish far more than carp as the latter can tolerate low levels far better than other fish. Several of the carp have ugly lesions on their skin and this suggests that there is something else going on. There are several diseases which can affect carp and we have contacted the Environment Agency for their advice and help.

In view of the situation, we would not wish to risk the transfer any virus or disease present at Marle Green to any other waters and with the current heatwave and extreme hot weather forecast for the next few days, we have decided it is only right to CLOSE THE VENUE TO FISHING with immediate effect until further notice.

We will continue to monitor the situation and pending the advice of the EA re-open for fishing as soon as possible.

17th March 2021


Members please note that Cinderford Pond is regrettably no longer

a Southdown AA water.

Curl’s Farm; Water Bank Clearance and Vehicular Access

A couple of things.

We are aware that someone has recently taken it upon themselves to fell a tree in one of the swims. This is strictly forbidden and is behaviour that could lose us the water. Clearance like this is only to be carried out by our Water Maintenance Manager.

We/you are not allowed to drive down to the lake edge beyond the designated parking area near the barn and this is prescribed in our lease. On application, we are able to grant vehicular access to those members with restricted mobility by exception only.

This is closely controlled and only those with specific permission are permitted to drive down to the water.

Please comply with these arrangements. Your membership will be cancelled if you don’t.

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© Jonathan Cook