20th May 2023, NEWLY MERGED CLUB
Following the recent Extraordinary General Meetings, the newly merged club, the Southdown & Hydneye Community Angling Club (SHCAC) officially came into being on the 1st April 2023 with the Southdown Angling Association (SAA) ceasing to exist on the 31st April, with all assets and responsibilities then being transferred to the newly merged club with all the fishing waters previously held by the SAA now being under the control of the SHCAC, although membership of the Rother Fisheries Association will not be renewed.
This SAA website will no longer be maintained apart from notices or news items with relevance to the SHCAC and will therefore be closed down in the near future.
The SHCAC website can be accessed at: https://hydneyecac.co.uk and all queries or enquiries should now be addressed there
The Association offers a diverse selection of waters to suit all tastes.
The tabs to the left describe each of them individually, with map attachments showing directions and parking.
Much of our water is tranquil and unspoilt in comparison to commercial fisheries. Please respect the environment, enjoy the surroundings and take your rubbish home, remember, take only pictures and leave only foot prints.
As an angling club, we are keen to promote further angling venues in our area.
Should you be looking to offer your waters to an angling club, please contact us.
Water maintenance work parties are held throughout the year as required, please give a few hours of your time and help out when possible. To offer your services please contact the Water Maintenance Manager. Remember, waters are only fishable because of the work put in by a few volunteer members.
From time to time, for various reasons, waters may need to be closed to members, the dates being shown on the annual membership booklet, here on this website and advised to members via newsletters and local tackle shops.
A notice will also be affixed at the fishery entrance.
17th March 2021
Members please note that Cinderford Pond is regrettably no longer
a Southdown AA water.
Please can all members remember not to leave their vehicle in front of any gates when parking up for a fishing session.
We have had a number of reports recently about vehicles blocking farm gates at the Pevensey Haven and at Middle Bridge and Ironbridge on the Wallers Haven.
The farmers from whom we tease the fishing rights are now getting very annoyed and are voicing their opinions to the club. They need daily access to their land to tend livestock etc and if the situation continues we may well lose the use of some of our lovely waters. Also, should there ever be an emergency the emergency services could also need access.
Now while we acknowledge that some parked vehicles may belong to dog owners or walkers in general, it would seem that the majority belong to anglers and the people responsible are not only selfish but quite frankly ignorant and stupid!
Shown is a vehicle blocking the gate at Ironbridge upstream on Sunday 15th September, apparently the angler concerned was fishing an overnight session.
So please NEVER park in front on any gate.
The Committee will be monitoring the situation on a daily basis for the rest of the season and should a member be found to be blocking a gate with their vehicle, it could result in a lifetime ban. Therefore if you value being a member of the Southdown A A and enjoy the great fishing that our waters can offer please park sensibly and never block gates.